The 66-Day Protein Habit Challenge
Don't worry, you can still join past the starting date!
Hello! Want to join me (the head of Nuzest USA) for a 66-day challenge that might just change your life?
Enter you name and e-mail below!
The point of this challenge is to cement a habit of taking protein every day!
Why? Because it's going to empower you in fulfilling whatever goal or outcome you have for your health and/or fitness that led you to purchasing protein powder in the first place.
We picked “66 days” because when you search, “How many days does it take to build a habit?” that is what Google says is the average (go ahead, try it).
If you are up for it then all you need to do is read the rules, and sign up for the challenge (it will take 2 minutes or less). Start your NEW habit with Nuzest.