Protein and Healthy Pregnancy
5 min read

Protein for Fertility and a Healthy Pregnancy

Diet & Nutrition Pregnancy Women's Health

While many of us have heard about how important protein is as a part of our healthy diet, women often have questions about protein consumption during pregnancy and during the pre-conception time leading up to pregnancy. 

If you’re pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, this post is for you.  

PROTEIN: What It Does For The Body (And Baby)

Sets the stage even before conception. Consistently adequate protein intake before conception is important, since women with low nutritional status at conception are more likely to have low birth weight babies.1,3

Protein helps balance blood sugar levels. Having balanced blood sugar is important for both fertility and during pregnancy. Prior to conception, balanced blood sugar levels help to regulate hormones and aid in regular ovulation and an adequate luteal phase. During pregnancy, balanced blood sugar levels help reduce nausea in the first trimester in addition to reducing the risk of acquiring gestational diabetes and maintaining energy levels.1

It increases the odds. Adequate protein (25-40% of your total dietary intake) may increase your chances of becoming pregnant when undergoing IVF. In addition to this, if your total diet contains at least 5% protein from vegan sources such as the easy to digest pea protein found in many Clean Lean Protein products by Nuzest, your chances of regular ovulation increase by up to 50%.3,4

It nourishes your uterine tissue during pregnancy. Before an embryo becomes a fetus and begins receiving protein nourishment via the umbilical cord, mom’s body nourishes the embryo with uterine secretionswhich includes protein. In fact, amino acids play the most important role in the development of the embryo. During pregnancy, your body needs MORE protein.1,2,3

It regulates cells as they multiply and coordinate. Protein regulates genes and how our cells communicate, and determines immune and neurological function.

It provides building blocks for mom’s and baby’s body, hormones, and brain. Protein is a crucial building block for every tissue, from muscles and bones to hair and skinfor you and your growing baby. It also supplies the raw materials for the amino acid derived hormones and neurotransmitters. When you’re pregnant, you need MORE protein so adding in a protein powder during pregnancy, such as a protein shake, can support your needs and the needs of your growing baby.1

It allows your blood volume to expand. This helps support the uterus (and all its hard work) as your baby grows.1

It keeps mom’s body healthy. When mom’s body doesn’t have adequate amino acids (proteins building blocks) to pass along to the baby, her body breaks down (catabolizes) her own tissues (usually muscle) to obtain more.1

How To Incorporate More Protein Into Your Pre-Conception Or Pregnancy Diet

Ensure each meal and snack has a protein component. While SUPER high protein in your diet isn’t necessary, you want to ensure you’re getting 80-100 g/day and possibly more if you’re active. 

For example:

  • Breakfast could include a bowl of protein oats
  • Lunch could have at least 4 oz lentils into a salad or rice bowl.
  • Dinner could include a solid serving of tempeh or tofu. 
  • As a Midwife and Women’s Wellness Coach, I recommend that women add in shakes or bars and protein powders for snacks once a day or when they just can’t get another source of protein into their diet (e.g. when nauseated). It makes it easy to meet your 80-100 g/day requirement. Clean Lean Protein and Digestive Support Protein by Nuzest are easy to digest and considered safe for use during pregnancy because they contain all the ingredients you want (including being a natural source of non-heme iron) and contain no artificial sweeteners or stabilizers. It’s best to avoid any protein powder with unnecessary additives, sweeteners, or stimulants, as well. Of course, it is always recommended that you speak to your Healthcare Practitioner with specific questions regarding adding a new food or protein powder into your daily diet. 

By Meghanne Reburn, Registered Midwife, Women’s Health Coach, and co-author of the online program Baby Making and Beyond


  3. Baby Making and Beyond ©, Liz Wolfe and Meghanne Reburn RM