Megan and Julie are a Toronto-based Canadian couple with a love for coffee and the outdoors. Their content focuses on health, equity, and the environment, and they are passionate about advocating for positive representation of diverse communities in media. You can often find them sharing their adventures on camping, hiking, or looking for hidden gems and committing to making positive change in small ways through their platform on Instagram @Out_In.Nature.
Q: Any LGBTQIA+ icons or figures that inspire you? Why?
We are inspired by many people in the queer community, especially other queer creators like ourselves! The more positive and diverse representation we are able to provide on platforms like Instagram, the more we hope to provide spaces for young people to see themselves reflected in the real world. Creators like @burrittoandtortilla @caras_atl @thechloebeth and @zoestoller are just a FEW of our faves!
Q: How did you blend your day-time passions with your social media platform?
As a nurse and teacher duo, we know how important representation is for personal wellbeing, and creating a sense of community and belonging. Especially from a teacher’s perspective, I have seen how essential it is for students to feel like they belong and like they aren’t the only person in the world who is “different” from what they see in media. Our hope is that by sharing our story, and that we are just regular, coffee drinking, adventure loving women… who also happen to love each other, that we can normalize being part of the LGBTQ+ community!
Q: Why is health and wellness important to you?
As a previous competitive soccer keeper, and in her current career as a nurse, Megan has always held health and wellness as a top priority in order to perform at her best athletically. As the pandemic has worn on, these values are even more important, even though the ways we meet these needs may be different. Home training and outdoor hikes and walks have continued to help us stay physically active and keep our stresses lower while the world has been shut down.
Q: Any misconceptions about being LGBTQIA+ in your workplace, relationship, or industry? And how do you overcome those stereotypes?
Absolutely! I think there are so many stereotypes, especially as a queer, femme couple. Because we both pass as “straight” we often have awkward conversations at work where people just assume we “have a boyfriend” or “husband”... this means we don’t just “come out” once in our life.. But are constantly having to correct people as they make these assumptions, and therefore, “come out” each time. We both really appreciate people and allies who use the term “partner”! It’s so much more inclusive and makes people feel safer to share. Ex. “are you dating anyone?” “do you have a partner?” “did your partner do that with you?”
Q: What message would you give to LGBTQIA+ youth about how they can create the change they want to see?
SHOW UP! Show up exactly as you are, unapologetically, everyday. There is a huge community here to support you and lift you when you need it, but your power comes from within you, and by living your authentic truth each day!
Q: What is one thing you would tell your younger self today?
It really, truly does get better! You are absolutely perfect just as you are and you have nothing to be ashamed of!
Q: How will you celebrate PRIDE this year?
With Toronto still under lockdown, we will be celebrating through virtual events and some Instagram Lives with other queer creators this month! Feel free to join in by following @out_in.nature :)
Q: Any upcoming releases or projects you are working on that you’d like to share with our audience?
Yes! We are going to be hosting some IG Lives as mentioned above! Every Thursday evening at 8pm EST! There will be four queer creatives sharing stories, asking trivia questions, and spreading QUEER CHEER!